My sister had gotten incarcerated and her son was put in state custody. I took him into my home as a foster child and adopted him after having him living with me for a year. Since my sister has been out of prison she has gotten herself together and has a very stable life now. I let my nephew go back to living with her which is out of state (two hours away from me). Meanwhile, I am still his legal guardian and continue to receive medical & subsidy benefits for him. I want to let the state know that I don't need these benefits anymore but know they'll have a big issue once they hear he is not in my care.
Because my sister is also going through the courts to get partial custody of her daughter (who lives with her dad) the family court found out that my sister is not his legal guardian and that I am. Today the family court investigator called me asking why I let my nephew move back with his mom and I said because she has turned her life around and is now stable. This lady told me that there could be a problem because I am still receiving benefits for Juan but I told her that I take care of my nephew with that money when I see him on the weekends.
She didn't say whether or not she's going to report me but I NEED SOLID ADVICE on how best to go about this situation to absolve myself from legal guardianship and give it to my sister while my nephew is living with her PLUS what will the repurcussions be from the law for letting him live back with his mom while I am still receiving his medical & subsidy benefits that I still use for him. Any good advice would be well appreciated (and your prayers also). I should also mention that I live in RI and my sister lives in CT and she is going to court in RI to share custody with her daughter's father which is amicable. Also, I was able to adopt my nephew because besides his mom at the time being incarcerated, his father was no where to be found.