
What are the requirements, fees and benefits of being a member of the UN? United Nations?

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  1. Well, for starters, you have to be a country.

  2. You have to be a country that gets money from the U.S., you have to vote for what the U.S. wants, and we will protect you. Answered in order

  3. Member Nation Contribution (% of total UN budget)

    United States 22.00%

    Japan 19.47%

    Germany 8.66%

    United Kingdom 6.13%

    France 6.03%

    Italy 4.89%

    Canada 2.81%

    Spain 2.52%

    China 2.05%

    Mexico 1.88%

    The UN is financed from assessed and voluntary contributions from member states. The regular two-year budgets of the UN and its specialized agencies are funded by assessments. The General Assembly approves the regular budget and determines the assessment for each member. This is broadly based on the relative capacity of each country to pay, as measured by their Gross National Income (GNI), with adjustments for external debt and low per capita income.

    Furthermore...The General Assembly (the main deliberative organ);

    The Security Council (decides certain resolutions for peace and security);

    The Economic and Social Council (assists in promoting international economic and social cooperation and development);

    The Secretariat (provides studies, information, and facilities needed by the UN);

    The International Court of Justice (the primary judicial organ).

    Additional bodies deal with the governance of all other UN System agencies, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). The UN's most visible public figure is the Secretary-General, currently Ban Ki-moon of South Korea.

    The UN is financed from assessed and voluntary contributions from member states and has six official languages: English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish.

  4. Peackeeping, Humanitarian Aid, Social and Economic Development, and future develpmental goals that will benefit most of the world.

  5. Requirements -many

    Fees -huge

    Benefits - none

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