
What are the requirements for closed adoptions? What are the current fees& is the family medical history open?

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what are the classes needed to adopt and why are they neccessary? This is a school project and im trying to get information about adoptions because i think the expenses should be lowered and the medical history and current medical history should be available at anytime in a childs life no matter open or closed.




  1. im a closed adoptee in North Carolina. No medical information/ parents names etc. is allowed to be opened..

    which sucks..

  2. as far as medical records, i was in a closed adoption that included falsified medical histories, so there's never a guaruntee.

  3. For the most part, prior to the adoption in many states, "non identifying information", including medical information, is collected and made available to the adult adoptee upon request.  The problems with this system are:

    1.)  The collection of non-ID info varies from state to state & even from one agency to the next. It is not a LEGAL requirement.

    2)  Well informed prospective adoptive parents can ASK for a medical history before the adoption is finalized.

    3.)  The information collected at the time of the adoption is quickly outdated, & subsequent NEW information is NOT included in the non-ID info.

    4.) People don't consider that medical information is useful FROM an adoptee (to their first family) as well as TO the adoptee.  For example, by BFF (oldest child, not relinquished, but could have been in the BSE) has had 2 bouts of breast cancer.  Had she BEEN relinquished, her baby sister would not have the information that she has a 1st degree relative with breast cancer (no one else in the family had it prior to my BFF).  

    In another, real life example, one of the birth moms in my search group discovered that the son she relinquished had been diagnosed with & died from muscular dystrophy; a genetically transmitted disease that more frequently affects boys, but is carried by women.  Although his adoptive parents wanted the adoption agency to contact the birth mother before he died, the agency never did. Birth mom found this out after all her 3 daughters had married & had children, including 2 boys (younger than 5, not yet showing signs).  

    Had the birth mother been given that information, her DAUGHTERS could have received genetic testing for MD BEFORE they decided to have babies.

    Adoption costs are not nearly as high, (practically free) for children waiting in foster homes for permanent families, BTW.

    Interesting paper you're working on. Good luck!

  4. closed depends on your state....i think with closed you get nothing...with open you get a little info as much as you agree should research it for your state i think you will have an easier time finding what you need for your report

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