
What are the requirements for looking white?

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Whgat are the minimum requirements for looking white, like the eyes nose, mouth, hair, height ?




  1. I don't really think there are any real requirements to be white

  2. you are sad and you have my pity.

  3. hear, eyes, mouth etc.

  4. There are no 'requirements' for looking white - it is all in how society perceives you.  I am Native American/Amerind but because I have limited features that are usually associated with being Caucasian, I am often mistaken for being 'white'.

  5. i guess the real requirement is the skin tone.

    most people would consider a 'white person' someone with semi to fullblown peach/pale skin...

    as far as like cranium requirements, brain size and the like,

    im sure you could google it. but theres always gonna be a diffrence in opionion.

  6. Who are you, Michael jackson?

  7. the shape of the skull is correct (because this has to do with the cheekbone and nose structure etc), along with the coloring (although one can still be 'white', or more accurately 'caucasian' and have olive skin coloring, like the mediterranean people for instance)...height doesn't matter, although 'very white' or true caucasians (like Scandinavians for eg) are usually tall and very large framed (compared to other races) with blonde hair and blue or green eyes. i have to say that this question was not thought out well on your part, because alot of the people you see, especially in countries like the US, South America and the Middle East, and even many parts of South and Eastern Europe etc, are actually a mixture of different races that have interbred through out centuries, so they might have 'white' looking, or caucasian facial features (ie. similar skull structure, prominent nose, eyes, etc) but with a more tan skin coloring and/or darker eye color (not neccessairily blonde with blue or green eyes).

    How 'white' someone is actually relative depending on where u are and the people around you, for eg. green-eyed Tyra Banks is considered black in a country with a majority of white caucasians, yet, in Africa, she would be considered 'white' because she is lighter with Caucasian feautures in comparison to most Africans. In Asia, people with lighter skin (not dark) and prominent noses are considered white, regardless of how dark their eye or hair colors are.

  8. what a strange question ,if your white your white if your not then your not!!


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