
What are the requirements in Tennessee for homeschooling?

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My son is only one, but I'm thinking very seriously about homeschooling him when he starts kindergarten. I think I'm going to send him to a good pre-school, but homeschool him after that. I don't have a degree (although I am going back to school soon). So, what are the requirements for homeschooling your children in the state of Tennessee?




  1. I am in Florida but I use a school based in Tennessee to teach my children at home and it is very easy to use and follows all the laws required for Tennessee and Florida. It is also very inexpensive compared to other schools, I highly recommend you look into it and see if this is for you as well, as they also have counselor for every grade to help you answer questions too and I find them very informative, as I do have on in high school,

    they only require one of the parents in the home have a GED of High School Diploma

  2. What you teach your 1 yr old now is like homeschooling.

    The alphabet song, counting on fingers, patty cake, etc...

    Make sure to read to him everyday.

    Preschool is good for socialization, but make sure it is the proper socialization.

    Do what is best for you and your son.

    My two older kids went to public school. My daughter is now in a great college on a scholarship.

    My youngest went to catholic preschool and K. Then public 1st grade. I homeschooled him for 2nd, 3rd, and 5th.

    It depended on what was right at the time. He aces public school, i just felt it and the NCLBA sucked and i couldn't afford private anymore.

    But just keep reading to him and such.

    All my kids could write their names by 3 and could read in kindergarten.

    Parenting and reading is key.

    Good Luck!

    oh, and check out (Homeschool Legal Defense Assoc) I don't really like this site, but it has the laws. Plus you can google your state and Dept of Ed laws for homeschooling and find a group to go and visit.

    Most homeschooling groups welcome those who are thinking about homeschooling.

  3. I think you will find a big network of other local homeschoolers to talk to, and that'll help you decide - Just a matter of finding one and asking them to introduce you to the network a little bit.


  5. You may want to re-think sending him to preschool.  Homeschooling is great for that age as well.

    Here's some information:

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