
What are the requirements of going back to high school from being homeschooled?

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i have been homeschooled since 7th grade(age 14) now i want go to a public high school and is supposed to start 11 or 12 grade(i am 18) i am supposed to graduate at 19! what requirement(including tests, ect.) do i need to go back to a public school?




  1. i would take sat test- my friends are home schooled and they take the test every year to see what levels/grades they are in. on of them is in 8th grade but has 9th grade math score, 12 grade reading score, 7th grade grammar. that tells them they need to work on grammar right? l8r!

  2. You need to go to your local school and ask them.

    We can give you information on how it is in our school district  or particular high school, but that may not be the way your local school handles transfers from private school or home school.

  3. In most areas, high school entry is based on standardized testing. You will have to contact your school districts main offices, explain that you would like to enroll. Your parent should create a transcript, describing  your classes and the grades received, perhaps 'days present' on the form as well.

    The district will test, they don't just do it by age in high school, it's by ability (for a math test to show if you need basic math, algebra, trig, whatever)

  4. In my area they must have an elementary school diploma if you are not accredited in teaching or have them in an accredited program of some type. I must dump mine on the school district no later then the end of their 8th. grade level of schooling no matter the age.

  5. It would depend on your area.   Where I live there are no requirements.   When a homeschooler returns to school they are put into an age appropriate grade no matter how well/poorly they do.  At your age I would expect them to either test you or look over your work to ensure you have the credits necessary for graduation.

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