
What are the requirements on owning a silenced MP5?

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  1. Assuming these aren't illegal in your state:

    This is from the FAQ section of a dealer's website:

    How does this purchase procedure work?

    You tell us the three magic words - "I'll take it". Send a check for your purchase, along with the name of the Class 3 Dealer you will be using to complete the transfer in your state. If you do not have a dealer, let us know and we will be happy to connect you with a reputable dealer.

    Your dealer will send us the proper paperwork for this first transfer, we prepare and fax the Form 3 transfer to BATF immediately, and then once the transfer clears BATF (less than 2 weeks) we ship the gun to your dealer.

    Your in-state dealer then prepares Form 4 paperwork, which you will sign and also have signed by the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in your locale (Sheriff, Chief of Police, State Police Chief, etc...only need for one to sign).

    You return the completed Form 4's to the in-state dealer, along with (2) passport size photos, (2) fingerprint cards, (1) citizenship authorization, and a transfer tax check made payable to Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms for the one time per item transfer tax. A $200.00 transfer tax applies to Short BBL Shotguns, Short BBL Rifles, Machine Guns and Suppressors; a $5.00 transfer tax applies to items classified as Any Other Weapons - "AOW".

    This paperwork is mailed to BATF and when this transfer clears you go pick up your gun.

    What a civilian can buy/own with the NFA paperwork, $200 and wait are:

    Pre-ban full automatic weapons

    Silencer which can be current production

    Short barrel rifles. For example a 14" barrel for a AR 15 style rifle

    Firearms which do not look like a firearm, for example a flashlight shooting on the backside a .380 or .410.

    Transportation into a state other than where the weapon is registered and used for hunting has restrictions. Other than these restrictions, class III weapons can be owned and used like any other firearms.

  2. since when have silencers been legal????

  3. First you have to get the Federal BATF Automatic Weapon Tax Stamp.  Then you have to find an MP5 that can legally be purchased under the 1986 Firearms Protection Act for purchase (usually in excess of 5 grand).  If the barrel is not already threaded to accept the suppressor, you have to get the barrel threaded by a gunsmith/machinist.

    The suppressor can be obtained from many companies out there.  You must first get the BATF Tax Stamp for a suppressor.  Once you get the stamp, you then contact the company you want to purchase the suppressor from.

    Once you have everything together (to the tune of 7 grand or so), you can have fun with it; just make sure to keep the Tax Stamps together with the Gun & Suppressor.

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