
What are the requirements to adoption? (age, marriage)?

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I've been tryin to get pregnant for a year and a half. My husband and I tought about adoption but we're only 22 and 21. December we will have been married for 2 years. I was looking at the adoption website and they want you to be at least 25-55 and maried for 2 years. So I want to know if you know of anywhere we can adopt from. We would prefer asian adoption. Please if you know anything about adoption please share.




  1. oh honey. you're young. if you've been trying for a year and a half and still nothing, then I would talk with your doctor. it could just be something with you or your husband. not that adoption isn't a wonderful thing, I infact have two adopted cousins from China. I wouldn't trade them for the world, but their parents had tried for years to conceive and couldn't do it b/c of her. So that's why they adopted. I do know that it cost them $15,000 for everything involved in getting their first daughter. And that was back in 1997. I'm not sure if it was the same or more for their second one. It's a very long process.  I wouldn't give up on trying to have one of your own first. If your doctor(s) say that you are unable to ever have kids, then I would definately take the adoption route. best of luck!

  2. idk

  3. Try looking into foster/adopt. I believe you can be a foster parent at 19-20.

  4. 21 years old married for at least 3 years.  Keep trying to get pregnant.  The doctors won't do anything for you until you have been TTC for at least 2 years.  Get tested and make your partner get tested as well.  Maybe you both aren't chemically compatible with each other. China has lots of girls in orphanages, there's the Phillipines as well.

  5. Yes, too young.  Go see the doctor.  Exhaust your fertility options first.  They may just tell you its stress, and to keep on trying.  Adoption is awesome, but make sure its exactly what you want.  You have to hire a good adoption agency, and its better if its in the state that you live in.  Here is a link to one that spells out some of the program details for China:

    China is getting harder, but usually for older and/or single, and more recently fat parents (the last point is harsh, but true, there is a BMI test now).  China is expensive, $20-$30K depending on the agency and if both of you travel to China.  

    You two are really young, and time is not working against you yet.  So see your doctor first, then so the research.  The wait time in China takes about 18 months to 2 years now.  Korea has a great program also, but its a long expensive process there also.

  6. We adopted both of our children from Korea, and had to wait until I turned 25. Most if not all international programs will require that you both be 25.

    I believe you could adopt through most domestic adoption agencies, but I think a lot of birthparents would prefer adoptive parents to be a little older.

    Believe me I know how hard it is to wait when you know you're ready to be parents. I wish you luck!

  7. I am sorry that you have not yet conceived.  If you want children now, do not wait if you want to start the adoption process because it can be lengthy.

    There are no specific age requirements for domestic adoption and fostering.

    Here is a link for more information:

    Here is a link to information for specific countries:

    I hope that helps!

  8. A foreign adoption varies from country to country.  My  experience is with Chinese adoptions.  I don't want to give you disheartening news, but China is a country you won't meet their requirements.  They favor older parents so their minimum age is actually 30.

    While going to any agency specializing in foreign adoptions might be an option, know that when these agencies don't work with just one country then there can be a lot of misinformation.   Case in point, my wife and I were told there would be no way the Chinese would accept us as parents.  I adopted a little girl from China in 2004.  We are now preparing to return for another little girl.

    So, find agencies which specialize in one country.  Then look at agencies which cover several countries.  However, do not just go with what one agency says.  Find the truth.

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