
What are the requirements to be a member of the Grammar Police?

by Guest67120  |  earlier

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Do you need a B.A. or do you just need to know how to spell and punctuate properly?




  1. I believe an insertion of a stick into the anal cavity is required.


  2. I think it's B.S. actually. (note sarcasm).

    No just education. But remember they invented an excuse to be stupid and even gave it variations: ADD, ADHD, AADD, ABCD, XYZ and so on.

    I totally agree. And it's a shame that we know it's not just kids.

  3. Anal retentiveness.

  4. I suppose being only a good speller. I have a B.A in two different fields, but I am a horrible speller. I think it's because I think faster than I can type! And I was educated until college in French, so that is also another factor.

  5. Both.

  6. Knowledge helps.

  7. The ability to use spellchecker and you must own a billy club

  8. An IQ higher than your shoe size.

  9. On here you just need a "Big Head" and believe that you are Sooooooo Muchhhhh better than everyone else and that it Makes such a huge difference! Narcissists all!

    I laugh as I see so many people here brag about their "IQ" and their Superior education. If you really have it, you have no reason to "Brag" about it. Grammar cops are just trying to show off and maybe feel better about themselves by putting others down!

    Proud Vet

  10. First, you have to be totally obsessed with words. Then you have to be anal enough to criticize every thing others write. Strunk and Whites Elements of Style must be your bible, and you must despise Spell Check, you feel so superior.Get yourself a junior sheriff badge from a box of cereal, and you're all set!!!   LOL

  11. The first requirement is to know proper grammar and spelling.  Second, you must practice what you preach.  

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