
What are the requirements to be a ship captain?

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What are the requirements to be a ship captain?




  1. In the US, one year's sea time as Chief MAte on a ship of similar gross tonnage, Then take and pass the USCG test.

  2. Depends on what size ship.  Licenses are given out in Gross Tonnage and also the area that you can operate in.

    There is a Operator Uninspected Passenger Vessel. this also called a six-pak license.

    There is a Master License to allow you to carry more than 6 passengers.  

    Then the USCG makes you qualify for Inland Waters - (requires 360 days of sea time) or Near Coastal Waters (360 days for OUPV - 720 days for a Master) , or All Oceans .

    You can take a USCG approved course to get your license, attend a merchant mariner school to get into larger vessels.

    Good Luck!

  3. You have to have a license and be hired by a ship owner, or buy a ship of your own and make yourself captain.



  4. You have to look good in white.

    and like those epilets on your shoulders.

    Knowing how to handle a boat would be good......

    but eh----look at all the oil spills.......

    not really necessary apparently.

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