
What are the requirements to breed a Male pit bull?

by  |  earlier

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I rescued a male pit bull that was turned loose in the country near my home and I was wondering how much he should weigh and how long I should wait before I breed him out..






  1. you shouldn't breed him. First, there are way to many homeless pets already so you would only be adding to the problem. Secondly, if you have to come here asking how to do it you CLEARLY have no business doing it. Its not something you just jump into because you found a dog and want puppies.

  2. You have a "found" dog with no papers, no pedigree..  no proof that he is a purebred, no way of resaerching his lineage..

    Neuter this dog.  We have enough pits and pit mixes in this country.

  3. You rescued him! Now you wanna breed him? Come on, you are asking which means you don't know and shouldnt be "breeding". Pit Bulls are over bred anyways, why do you feel the need to breed?

    If it's for money, and you're doing it properly you will hardly make any...puppies need shots and medical bills will pile up. Not to mention your dog needs alot of health testing if you want to meet "requirements".

    Please don't breed, enjoy your dog for what he is, neuter him - it is so much better for his health.

  4. May I ask why you feel the need to breed this dog?

  5. Wow!

    What is happening to the world, you want to breed a dog you "rescued"

    Why YOU should not breed.

    i) This dog has no papers, you don't know his background / temperament

    ii) You know nothing about breeding

    iii) Pitbulls are over bred and in many many cases poorly bred.

    Good on you for rescuing him, but leave it at that!!

  6. It doesn't matter because you should get him neutered! because there are too many Pit bulls in the shelters along with too many other breeds!

  7. Unfortunately, as lovely as some are...I wouldnt be breeding him. I would seriously do your homework on this breed. Check out some web sites...they arent the kind of dog you should be breeding. I dont want to say too much..just do your homework.  They can be lovely pets, people can have them for years..then just out of the blue they can turn. I work at the pound and hear the horror storys all the time. Once a pit bull is surrendered to any pound, they are destroyed. I dont like it but i do you have kids??  Be careful and good luck

  8. If you don't already know the answer to this question, then you should not be breeding your dog! There are already too many unwanted Pit Bulls in shelters, that die everyday, because there are not enough homes to go around and adopt them. If you really love this dog, the you will get him Neutered!

  9. WOW!!! I'm not trying to be rude but this is just another example of an uneducated person trying to breed a dog when there are plenty of dogs in shelters needing homes right now.  I personally am a breeder and am not breeding at this time I don't feel it necessary being how over populated the shelters are now will probably be several years before I ever even think about a breeding not going to lie I had breedings in mind for this next year but honestly giving more and more thought to it i dunno if i even want to breed anymore.  Okay back on subject OP you really need to do ALOT of research on the breed and dog breeding.  Your best bet is to spueter your current dog if it is a rescue that clearly tells me you don't know anything about the dogs history his parents grand parent hows their temperaments, structures, ect.  Do they tend to throw any defects like skin allergies, low immune systems, bad hips, hearts, elbows, and so on and so forth.  There is alot more to breeding a dog then meets the eye for one your dog should be titled with a registry (another reason my "breeding program" is a at a stand still for several years thats even if I ever decide to breed again) also the dog should be properly health tested with ofa, pennhip, ect.  The dog also needs to be temperment tested like with AKC's Canine Good Citizen.  JMHO I think your best bet is to spueter your dogs and just love them for what they are a pet.

  10. don't have any papers for him, don't know if he's purebred or not, don't know his history..and you want to breed him?? There are more than enough Pitbulls and mixes in shelters that get euthenized daily because no one is adopting why add more?  

  11. You can't breed a rescued dog. You don't know his background, the health problems that might be behind him, you don't know if he is even a purebred. If the dog is not registered, has no legitimate kennel club papers, then the dog is considered a mutt. There is no reason to breed more mutts cause we have a bunch of them in shelters that are being put to death daily. It would be irresponsible to start breeding some dog that someone dumped for whatever reason. He should be neutered.

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