
What are the requirements to teach early childhood in oklahoma?

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just wondering i am in school to get a degree in early childhood and was curious to know what i have to have to teach in a preschool/daycare, elementary schools.




  1. I don't live in Oaklahoma, but I can tell you how to obtain this answer.

    I would call your local college (probably Community/Junior College would be sufficient)

    Ask to speak to a counsler and ask her how many ece units you need to take to teach early childhood.

    Good Luck...I hope this helps!

  2. from state dept of ed: quote

    Complete the necessary educational requirements:

    In an approved teacher preparation program in an Oklahoma college or university.

    In an approved teacher preparation program in a college or university that includes student teaching in another state that is a participant of the NASDTEC Interstate Contract (see www.NASDTEC.Org for details).

    Complete the Oklahoma Alternative Placement Program. Individuals must apply for acceptance into this program and have their qualifications reviewed by a Teacher Competency Review Panel (TCRP). See the Oklahoma State Department of Education web site for specific details for this program.

    Pass the Oklahoma Commission for Teacher Preparation (OCTP) General Education Test (OGET) and one or more Subject Area Tests (OSAT).

    Complete the fingerprint/criminal background check requirement.

    Participate in the one-year Resident Teacher Program under the direction of a Resident Teacher Committee consisting of a mentor teacher, administrator, and higher education representative.

    To move from a License to a Standard Certificate, an individual needs to:

    Successfully complete the one-year Resident Teacher Program under the direction of a Resident Teacher Committee consisting of a mentor teacher, administrator, and higher education representative.

    Pass the Oklahoma Professional Teaching Examination (OPTE).

    An individual may receive additional certification areas or endorsements by passing the appropriate OCTP tests. Some advanced subject areas have requirements beyond testing.


    visit the website to see how to take the exam and how to fill out certification.

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