
What are the requirements to travel with my pet puppy dog to San Juan Puerto Rico?

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What are the requirements to travel with my pet puppy dog to San Juan Puerto Rico?




  1. when you travel to any place that belongs to the united states the rules are the same they must have there vaccines to date , check with your hotel to see if they accept pets . other than that you will be fine .

  2. I don't know about San Juan Puerto Rico specifically but the people up the road from me decded to relocate their dogs from south africa to australia. It cost them $16000 and the dogs had to spend 3 months in quarantine.

  3. "Traveling with Pets

    Before taking a flight with your animal, have your veterinarian examine your pet to ensure that it is healthy enough to make the trip. Airlines and State health officials generally require health certificates for all animals transported by air. You will be required to: 1) Outfit your pet with a sturdy collar and two identification tags. The tags should have both your permanent address and telephone number and an address and telephone number where you can be reached while traveling. 2) Rabies quarantine certificate from veterinary doctor stating that pet has had a rabies shot. For more information contact the U.S. Department of Agriculture Puerto Rico office, Veterinary Division at (787) 766-6050."

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