
What are the requiremetns to be a jockey?

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and im 13, how could i start getting into that stuff, or become one? im pretty small for my age




  1. go to the track and try to find a job doing anything and work your way up.

    you need to be below a certain height and weight, but you also have to be very strong.  you need excellent peripheral vision and a cool head.

  2. First, you have to stay small for the rest of your life if you want to be a jockey. Also, jockeys get injured all the time, broken ribs, wrists possibly backs. If you want to make a money from it , you have to be the best of the best, or you will be replaced quickly, with someone better. I'm not sure, but 13 may be a little young. I know you can start at 16/17. But its a hard job. You will most likely drop out of school, and if you are truly the best then no worries. If it doesn't work out, you will regret dropping out of school.

    Go to this site, it will explain everything:

  3. Well, first of all , you've got two things on your side; size and time. It would be advantageous to live near a racetrack or horse farm where you could get some on the job experience with horses, part-time and/or summer vacation. Even if you could volunteer to get some experience. It's a very physically

    demanding sport and has its dangers . One comedian said,"In what other job does an ambulance follow behind you while you're working?"  And depending upon your location, the weather and track conditions can be nasty. Not trying to sound negative, in fact, if had a son or daughter interested in doing this, I would support them all the way.

    Do some research on famous female jocs, like Julie A. Krone. Also ,this website, and others like it might be of interest:

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