
What are the respective colors of Br2, I2 and Cl2 in organic solvents (particularly toluene)?

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I am working with a laboratory output, and all I know is that I2 gives brown solution in the aqueous layer, and purple in the organic layer.

I don't know much about Br2 and Cl2. I've tried searching through the internet, but the results show me vague answers such as "alkynation, pi bond etc etc".

Help! please... x_x

Thanks in advance.




  1. Bromine is a red volatile liquid.  To find out more about it go to this web site:

    Chlorine is a pale yellow-green gas.  To find out more about it go to the above web site and type chlorine in the empty box in the middle of the left side of the page and press enter.

  2. I2 gives purple solutions in chlorinated solvents like CCl4 and CH2Cl2. In benzene and toluene, the solutions are red. In water, I2 appears light brown, and on adding starch, the solution turns deep blue.

    Br2 is reddish brown in toluene, and Cl2 is colorless (water-white).

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