
What are the responsibilities and duties of a queen?

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I'm doing a report and i really need to find out cause i cant find it on the internet. plz help me!:)




  1. Depends on the country.  But here is something about England.  Note the references on the right.

  2. it depends on the country. since you don't specify, i can't really help. i mean, is she the sole ruler or is she co-regent with her husband, the king?  not too many royals left & those who are still around have mostly ceremonial duties only.  i do presume you mean today's queens, right? years ago, the list would not only be endless but royals made their jobs up as they spoke so it, like all else, changed with the time & tide. you have to be more specific.

  3. you cant find anything, cause she does nothing.

    oh , sorry wait, she does on occasions call someone to wipe her arss

  4. Are you talking royalty or drag queens?

  5. The role would depend on what sort of queen she was. Queens like Elizabeth 1 of England were 'absolute rulers'. This meant they made all the decisions that a government would make today. They would select some advisors to help them, but basically they were the total ruler of the country.

    In most places, if a queen was married, her husband would take control of these powers, which is why some queens chose to never marry.

    If the queen marries a king, and is not a ruler in her own right, her main job would be to provide an heir. She would also be expected to appear at royal functions and support the king's decisions.

    In today's world, most queens who are rulers are really figureheads of their country, although they also have arole as advisors to the elected governments. Because they are not 'political', it is thought they can give advice that is not biased.

    Queens who are married to kings in the modern world are more likely to have a lot of social duties ~ hosting state dinners, looking after the running of the royal properties and so on.

    To find out more, check out some of the web sites below. While they don't simply list the duties the queen performs, if you read about the queen you will get an idea of what she does, and can see from that what her duties are.

    Cheers :-)

  6. Wear really ugly hats and walk around collecting flowers it seems.

  7. she is the head of the church of england, i think,

  8. do nothing for seven days (a week) just sit there and live life... money will be there ...forever

  9. It depends on the monarchy.  In a constitutional monarchy, like England, the role of the Monarch is fairly well defined.  Often, in these cases, the monarch is a figurehead and so has ceremonial duties.  I believe that there may be some monarchies where the royal family is still tasked with making decisions on running the government, but I am not sure about this.

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