
What are the responsibilities of being middle school varsity captain?

by  |  earlier

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Say if I was chosen to be the team captain. What are my responsibilties? The upsides and downsides of this?

This is my second year playing ;

I'm the setter.

Thanks for the answers !




  1. well the downsides is that the coach will expect u to do more like when yall have to run laps or do crunches she will expect u to hustle more than every1 else

  2. Well...


    +You can never be late

    +You can never miss a game

    +You can't mess up that much

    +Some people may not like you as much as before cause you got captain and they didn't.


    +You play all the time

    *You play every game

    +You get to pick if you want to serve and what side

    +You can help others.

  3. usually you also are in charge of the coin toss to decide which side of the court you get and who gets the first serve

  4. you are the leader, keep every one positive and get your team to shake off their mistakes

    lead the team good l**k if i didn't answer your question the way you wanted me to sorry you can email me and i can give you more info. good luck

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