
What are the restrictions of what you can write and send to prisoners?

by Guest62591  |  earlier

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I have a friend in jail who is 17. I want to write him, but I dont know what I am allowed to say (cuss words, any sort of profanity) send (pictures) and write with (can you put stickers on your letters? and decorate it with sharpie and stuff?)

He is a really good friend and I just want to be able to give him something to make his day better.. Thanks.




  1. I think sunny better get his facts straight. Everything coming into the prison is opened and read by the prison guards.  You can't send polaroid pictures, no stickers. Also everything leaving the prison is read. If they find something they don,t like they can black it out or cut it out. You have no rights when you are in prison.

  2. You can write to him every day and he Will appreciate it a lot. Do not put stickers as some people in the past have sniffed the sticky  stuff and it is against the rules now. Try to write like you were having a chat on the phone. Good Luck!

  3. okay you are allowed to wirte anything you want..because only he will be able to read it .. prisoners also have rights.. they dont have their mail read by other guards or officiall.. and if they do then hes got a case agaisnt the state... they can only inspect the incomeing stuff gifts etc> ..

    wirte anything you want

  4. Your best bet is to call the jail or prison and ask them what the rules are. Different jails and prisons have different rules. I do know all mail going in or out is READ.

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