
What are the results of search of missing link between ape and man?

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What are the results of search of missing link between ape and man?




  1. William is either not telling the truth or he didn't study very well in my opinion unless he just doesn't like the phrase.  As bravozulu said, there are numerous examples of "missing links" that would fit Darwin's prediction of an animal between humans and apes.   Humans are in fact the last in a long line of bipedal apes.

  2. Darwin suggested that there should be an animal in the fossil record that has characteristics of apes and humans.  We have found hundreds of fossils that fit that description.  The concept is not really valid anymore because it is not missing.  Someone can always find missing links in any lineage. Genetic studies have pretty much proven beyond any reasonable doubt that we share common ancestors with all life on this planet.  It is far more conclusive that one of the many fossils with human and ape characteristics.

  3. woman..they haven't figured it out yet... multi task and role play....

  4. There are no results. They're still looking.

  5. Unresolved as far as I know.  I think the closest they have found so far are remains of a female they call Lucy.

  6. george w bush

  7. there are several links in an evolutionary chain,

    proconsul dryopithecus






    homo erectus


    homo sapiens (us)


  8. Short answer: they have found hundreds upon hundreds of fossils which have given us tons of hominins, some of which are probably "missing links." Essentially there are three ancient hominins genera from 7-4.5 mya. After these are the australopithecines. The earliest australopithecines were gracile, while later ones were more robust. The gracile australopithecines evolved into early hominins, of which we only know two species (H. habilis and H. rudolfensis). After that period we have H. ergaster/erectus which begat H. heidelbergensis which probably begat both H. neanderthalensis and H. sapiens.

    While there are many fossils that are known to be hominins, the exact evolutionary relationship between them is not so certain.

  9. well it is the MISSING link. keyword here is missing. if they found it, it wouldnt be missing? anyway as far as i know, they havnt found anything definate. just possible links.

  10. a waste of time because there is no link, missing or otherwise.

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