
What are the rewards for Donated Blood?

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I have O- blood, so i like to donate...but on the side, what does the blood bank give in return?




  1. The sterile opportunity to be of help to someone in need in an environment good for you and good for the recipient.

  2. the blood banks here in phoenix pay you for blood.  Not to mention the fact that they get your blood to the person in need therefore saving a life.

  3. lose weight

  4. Free HIV test

  5. Pretty much nothing - if you're talking about the Red Cross & places like it.  You get a certificate after so many pints, you get a tote bag after so many, you get a coffee cup after so many, etc.  Basically, from them, what you get is just the feeling that you did something good for someone, and the knowledge that next time someone needs that blood, it could be you or someone you love, so you're giving to help others so others can help you.

    From plasma banks you generally receive money.  In my area, it's generally $20-25 (depending on your weight) per donation, which you can do two times per week.  It seems like not very worth it, but it's $160-$200 per MONTH for the average person.

    It's so very popular among college students, because they're broke and want to buy beer... ;)

    Here's an article:

    Here's one about selling your plasma ((they won't call it that, but that's what it is))

    You can try this one for more info on how plasma donation works, but I found it on google and had to use the "cached" version, so I don't know if it'll work for you:

  6. You get the knowledge that the 45 minutes you spent donating blood saved the life of at least one person (and often more).  Nowadays the average blood donation goes to more than one person.

    Had an uncle who contracted a rare blood disorder when he was in his 80's.  He had to have transfusions every couple months for years!  We are eternally grateful to the dozens of people who kept him alive.

    Personally, I nearly died twice from loss of blood.  Once due to problems deliverying  a 12# baby and the second from a bad auto accident.  I would be long gone if someone hadn't taken the time to donate blood.  

    The gift of life is something you cannot repay easily.  But, I try by giving blood as often as possible.  Too bad so many others don't.  You are to be commended for your generosity.

  7. A cookie and a sweet cup of tea to bring your blood sugar levels up!!! .... You shouldnt be doing it for the rewards you should do it to save peoples lives.

  8. As a child, I had received blood once.

    As an adult, I donated blood. Once, the person I donated the blood to had tracked down through the numbers on the bag that I was the one that saved their life.

    Gratification is the best thing to get. Why should one be happy with a few dollars in their pocket for donating something? When I donated plasma, I took the money I made and gave it to a local homeless shelter. Why should I go spend money when there are less forunate around?

  9. the gift of life to someone

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