
What are the rich doing to help?

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There are so many things normal people can do to help the environment such as buying light bulbs that use less energy, car pooling and using energy and water efficient things like clothes washers and dish washers. My question is what are famous and billionaires doing to help the environment, I don't care about what they named their twins. I want to know how they are helping to save the future for their twins and everybody else’s kids.

So what are people with money doing to help does anybody know, yea there are a few commercials and businesses helping but what about Macy's, BK, P Diddy, Bill Gates, and whoever else who has money and could help?




  1. because they don't want to and good for them! Who says just because you have money you suddenly have to help everyone else and its fround upon for them to buy big nice things. The environment isnt in any trouble, that's just political bs. Whats helping the environment are these things called plants that take green house gas out of the air. Humans can't do anything to help the planet because it was never broken. In fact I purposely buy gas chuging cars and own a boat with a fuel economy of 4 g/m. That's right gallons/mile! Ugh sry about the rant but it irritates me when the rich are expected to give up what they worked hard for simply because they have more than others.

  2. well angelina and brad were helping africans find water.

  3. I can't think of any right now, but some are driving Hybrid cars, I believe Susan Sarandon and Tim Robins.  You hear of tidbits here and there.  Alecia Silverstone    Olivia Newton John, John Denver use to,  Leo DiCaprio is outspoken about it.

    Even Brad Pitt.

    Just google celebrities going green.  You'll see more!

  4. can not answer this question with any known instances of the wealthy actually contributing....but then again, are any of us actually contributing?  no matter what we do, we are mearly all can we give back...we are civilized....i admit that it is possible to leave the tiniest footprint possible, it possible to leave no footprint at all like all other animals.....EDIT: to the selfish egomaniac above......traditional cultures that are starving will share the little they have with those that have less out of morality....a standard this civilized world does not hold...AND the trickle down theory is what capitalism is based on.....AND they are also the role models in a position they have chosen for themselves

  5. I wonder what Al gore is doing flying around the globe in his private jet, besides selling carbon offsets to people who have enough money to buy them so they can pollute without feeling guilty.

    Remember, only rich liberals will buy them. That’s key!

  6. not much

  7. They buy carbon credits to offset their prolific pollution. This is the 21st century equivalent to the medieval nobles paying the priest for absolution from sin.  This is how Al Gore can keep flying his jet all aroung the globe to receive Inconvenient awards, give Inconvenient speeches, and make all the pollution he wants and still be saved from envirnomental h**l.

  8. Boy, all you have to do is THINK  about rich people, and it gets a lot of people's knickers in a knot!  Rich people are just people, some of them might be a***holes, like the first respondent who doesn't believe the environment is in any trouble and buys gas-guzzling cars on purpose, and some of them are switching to environmental laundry soap and light bulbs and cars just like the rest of us.  There are plenty of people who are using at least a part of their $$$$ to do good in the world.  I plan on MAKING tons of money by selling products that are environmentally better for your home and the planet.  =oP  Now there's a plan!!

  9. There is a difference between rich and famous.

    Famous people can lead by example and buy hybrid cars, get energy efficient houses.  They can go on TV and show people the products they buy that hurt the environment less.  Also, they can become spokespersons for good causes.  A lot of them do.  I believe that keeping an environment that can support human life is the most important goal we can have, but others care more about world poverty, and developing nations, and I would not say that this is any less noble of a goal.

    Rich people can do different things.  Bill Gates, who is rich and famous spends most of his money on programs that he believes do the best job of helping people in Africa.  This is not environmentalist, but it is helping.  Rich people can spend their time and money on researching new ways to help the environment.

    Another thing that the rich can do is encourage the companies they are invested in to have green practices.  This is already happening a lot, and Green Business is a big buzz word currently.  Hopefully the trend will continue, and will not just be a ploy for big businesses to get a better image.

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