
What are the right batteries for a wind generator and where can i find them?

by  |  earlier

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I am looking into building my own wind generator but i cant find the right batteries. Any help would be useful.




  1. This site has everything, if they don't have it they can direct you. I believe all you need is a bank of deep cycle marine type batteries.

    These other two sites have a wealth of info;

    Some very informative info there.

    Good Luck,  ;-)

  2. What's wrong with standard automobile batteries?

    [They are designed to be recharged over & over again, and are common & cheep.]


    You didn't think Homer knew anything about engineering, now did you?

    It is a common mistake, since Homer is just so darn s**y, people forget that he has a brain also...

  3. I think you are looking for deep cycle batteries, the same kind that are used with solar collectors.

    Try some of these sites...

    edit - to answer the question "Why not car batteries?"  ... the difference between a deep-cycle and car battery is that deep-cycle batteries contain solid lead and withstand "deep-cycling" (losing up to 80% charge) better than automotive batteries, which have a different construction.  Car batteries are designed to give you more "starting" power and stay up above 50% charge.  Deep-cycling a car battery can result in a quicker breakdown of the core, thus increasing cost in the long-run.

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