
What are the rights and respomsibilities of athenians citizens?

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What are the rights and respomsibilities of athenians citizens?




  1. The class system in Athens was made up of two distinct classes- slaves and citizens. Thus, citizens were expected to have attended the gymnasium, and palaistrai, where as slaves were relegated to house chores and could never attain citizenship. Citizenship allotted many privileges to the population of Athens, thus it was difficult to attain and was only given to a male child if both parents were Athenian.

    Young Athenian men were expected to attain an education. Based upon their birth and the wealth of their parents, the length for the wealthier 5 to 18, and sometimes into a students' mid-twenties.

    A potential citizen spent 2 years in the gymnasium, and 2 years training in the military, also known as the ephebeia.

    Although many of them strove to become soldiers and athletes, others ventured into philosophy, drama, pottery and the arts.

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