
What are the risk in using homeopathy therapy?

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i am doin a project if u know anuthing about homeopathy ley me know....




  1. homeopathy is incredibly safe.  it does need to be done properly.  it is not allopathy; ie, one size fits all.  there is a proper way to assess a case and that is the only way to use it.

    i find the case cited in this discussion of a woman losing her vision to be unbelievable.   and no details are provided by the reporter.  the woman must have had a serious problem that was already well advanced.  for all we know, the allopaths may have given up on saving her vision.  it is like the fda blaming ephedra for this marathon runners death a few yrs ago.  they used his death as an excuse to ban ephedra from the american market.  there was never any proof that ephedra caused this man's death--he just happened to have used it.  this is not an automatic causative agent.

    any use of homeopathy in any kind of therapy needs to be monitored and adjusted appropriately by someone who has a deep understanding of the protocol



    Don't just jump onto the alternative therapy cart. In homeopathy wrong medicine and dose can in fact create or aggravate the problem!

    I know of a guy who started out on his own to cure his wife's eye infection through homeopathy. The wife ended up losing her eyesight in both eyes!! His wife paid for his smartness.

    In hom. med is not given merely for a certain illness, rather for a certain person with a certain temperament, nature and personality. Homeopathy does not provide a single, standard medicine for an ailment to every individual. Every case is unique. And, therefore the medicine is person specific. Not knowing who the person really is, and knowing the implications of an incorrect prescription as a result of absence of this crucial piece of information  the ethics of the discipline will prevent me from recommending anything.

    All I can say is that unbelievable things are possible through homeopathy and yoga.

  3. Herbal remedies work well if you know how to dispense them. A trained herbalist must monitor the progress of the illness and modify the dosage as necessary. Sometimes the correct herb will only be found by trial and error. It takes as long to cure a problem as it took to develop. So if you took 5 years to develop your acne, it will take 5 years for it to go away completely-especially if you let your body heal itself naturally.

  4. Homeopathy therapy can be good for you if it is done right.  Its not promoted by orthodox medicine because the pharmaceutical companies can't patent a natural product; therefore they can not make any money of it.  They have a lot of clout in D.C. with politicians and the FDA.

    It is just as safe if not better.  Regular doctors push pills because its easier and these pills have more side effects that homeopathy therapy.  Using a regular dr. can be very risky as they misdiagnose many health problems, give wrong medication,  and bad surgery.  Probably moreso than a homeopathic doctor who works with natural products that aren't as harmful.  I would say they are safer than conventional medicine except when it comes to emergency situations.

    The main difference is conventional (regular) doctors and drugs do not cure the problem most of the time; they just eleviate it temporarily.  Whereas, homeopathic procedures get to the root / cause of the problem.

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