
What are the risk to poping advil like its candy?

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When my tooth was hurting me very very very very very very very like badly, i took about 5 advil. it worke for about a day. the pain cam back and i just kept taking advil... it really really really freaks out my bf. but i dont get shaky or anything when i take them. Am i safe? or should i stop and just deal with the pain?




  1. It can destroy your liver, I would see about going to a dentist.

  2. If you take too much Advil it could cause stomach bleeding. Please go to a pharmacy and find a medicine for tooth ache. There are many out there.

  3. it is not good to take that many with out a dr ok you could give yourself stomach issues.beside it might not be just pain relief you need you might need an antibiotic for the infection......go see your dentist.

  4. Go to the dentist and get to the root of the problem to eliminate your pain. Advil is also Ibuprofen. Ibuprofen is extremely hard on the liver and kidneys. Not good to take large doses of it. Try some Anbesol or Orajel. Apply it around the tooth that is hurting. Good luck. I hope you feel better soon!

  5. I think you can have problems if you continue to take them like that forever, but, if the pain is that severe, I would call the doctor, he'll most likely prescribe codeine or something stronger until you can get your tooth fixed.  I've had friends that have done that.  Long term though I think you'll be just fine.

  6. HUGE Gastric problems can result from too much advil (or any NSAID).  It will also thin your blood quite a bit - a big problem if you get cut or are in an accident.  You might want to cut back on the Advil but supplement with regular doses of Tylenol (you can mix those).

    You might consider using Ora-Jel (sp?) until you can see your dentist - it may not take the pain completely away - but combined with Advil and/or Tylenol - it could make things better without all of the pills.

    Lastly - sometimes Alleve works better (for me) when there is any kind of inflamation - and even though it can really tear up your stomach (just like Advil) you can take up to 4 per dose short term without serious side effects.

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