
What are the risks of this LHC project taking place in a few days?

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I have been trying to find out just exactly what the LHC project is and why people are saying it's so dangerous. I have heard that it can do things like create a black hole.. Is this true?




  1. A lot, I've got a blog on it, there's too much to talk about!

    Yes it will create micro black holes, but the dangers are, that the LHC will be constantly streaming particles at nearly the speed of light during the tests, and this will be an eat-and-grow environment for a micro black hole to soon enough turn into a planet destroying black hole.

    Hadrons are highly common, they are a basic set of strong-nuclear-force particles (nucleons), which are protons and neutrons, which even you and I are made out of. Basically, matter. But these will be smashed up into other and smaller subatomic particles, even those we haven't seen before.

    With greater studies on how time warps around the forces of atoms, and the characteristics of anti-matter, anti-energy, dark-matter, dark-energy, and even gravitons. Including the Higgs mechanism exploration. Basically, finding the 'building blocks', which were once existent, according to the 'Standard Model' of the universe, when first existed, when it came from the big bang.

    We also fear a bosenova, large enough to destroy the facility, leading in other security in-stabilities.

    Another risk is the destruction of space time, with the capability of the experiment causing the whole of space (or less) and time (possibly) to rip itself completely apart.

    The black hole theory may explain why several religions say that, and prophetically Hadron will cause the end of the universe, will re-create it, but how, well several theories suggest, the matter that came from the big bang, came from the last universe collapsing on itself, and opening up again, in a big bang, in an apparent 'loop'.

    It may not be the same universe, over and over again, but the same matter might be re-used. Time doesn't necessarily get eaten up.

    But as we have explored, when black holes cannot feed no more, they release their matter and energy in a large explosion, of which normally suits a hypernova.

    However I do not believe the events to happen on a universal, let alone, galactic scale, but a solar system / planetary scale may be feasible. That is, if the experiment does not fail.

  2. It will smash particles into each other at 99.9% of the speed of light.

    It can and scientists hope will create microscopic black holes but they will only exist for a billionth of a second.  There is practically no danger, people are just scared of what they don't understand.  The biggest risk is it is they don't learn anything and it's a waist of money.

  3. The Large Hadron Collider is a very advanced piece of machinery that will help us do research on particles we know very little about. It's like a back to front telescopes, instead of looking far into space, we are looking at tiny things right under our noses.

    It does very, very complicated science, that most people in the world do not understand. And just like there are many smart people in the world, there are also many dumb people in the world who always have a stupid answer. These people believe the LHC is dangerous, but ask them exactly what the LHC does, and you will see that they don't know.

    The people who paid the billions of dollars to build this thing have made very, very sure that nothing dangerous will happen to their little toy.

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