
What are the roads like in the Adelaide area? Problems with Hoons?????

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We are emigrating to Adelaide next year and are looking to buy a house after a few months and have been told to avoid Elizabeth and Salisbury. We have been looking at Aldinga and Aldinga Beach but have been told the roads are dangerous between here and Adelaide and we would prob have to commute a lot for work.

Also, we have been told to look out for "hoons" on the roads... Any advice???? Thanks




  1. Dannii, Sorry - this isn't an answer to your question.

    I am also emigrating to Adelaide but unfortunately I have not been lucky enough to receive any advice on good & bad areas.

    I have added you as a contact (hope you don't mind) as I would like to keep in touch & see if we can help each other out along the way.


  2. Aldinga is a beach suburb about and hours drive from the city, probably longer in peak traffic.  Lots of new homes going up down there at the moment.  Really nice beaches down there.  Then again there isn't really a bad beach in SA!

    As far as hoons go, I have not had any trouble. There are d1ckheads on the road wherever you go.  If I ever see someone driving stupidly, I simply slow down and move away from them.

  3. crystal springs (50 minutes up the coast) is very nice. Hoons are a problem around all major cities - the reason is compulsory 3rd party insurance is included in road tax ergo someone who has just passed their test can buy a big V8 and get behind the wheel - they can't actuaully 'drive'. road deaths in Aus per head of population are around 6 times higher than the UK

  4. glenelg is where you want mate and try avoid port augusta

  5. Like Sylvie says Aldinga is a long way out of Adelaide.

    Elizabeth and Salisbury aren't bad area's to live in there are some very nice suburbs in that area.

    The more expensive area's of Adelaide are the suburbs closest to the centre of Adelaide. And Some of the better suburbs of Adelaide are Golden Grove and Mawson Lakes in the northern suburbs.

    Also a lot of the job vacancies are in the northern suburbs depending on the type of work you want you might find it easier to find work in the northern suburbs.

    Regarding hoon drivers. I don't think they are any worse in Adelaide than any where else. The police have the power to repossess hoon drivers cars for 30 days and they do this regularly.

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