
What are the role the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in the internationalization of terrorism?

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What concerns should American have regarding groups like Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad.




  1. Did you ever see the movie The Godfather?  The PLO is to international terrorism, like the Corleone family is to the crime.

  2. The PLO, Hezbollah and Hamas aren't inherently anti-American.  They are anti-Israel and they have struck in the UK, France, Germany and elsewhere in order to distance those nations from their support of Israel.

    Fatah, and PFLP were innovators in the field of internationaf terrorism, beginning in 1969 when Leila Khaled hijacked a TWA jetliner in Italy.  The 1970 Olympics was another internationalization of the conflict.  But suicide bombing was an innovation of the Tamil Tigers, which had nothing to do with them.  

    It would be a marvelous boost to world peace if we could bring the PLO and Knesset to a peaceful solution of this problem.  That will not eliminate the threat of terrorism, which will always be the only effective weapon available to the powerless in conflict with the powerful.

  3. Their danger to us is overstated. They just want Isreal to stop stealing their land and murdering unarmed citizens.

  4. This seems to be two very separate questions.  I think the PLO brought it to the forefront of the world.  But, the grandfather of modern day "terrorism" was George Habash and real ushers of terrorism was the PFLP.

  5. if there going to destroy everything by an afghanistan leader

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