
What are the roles and responsibilities of a manager?What challenges does he have to cope with?

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What are the roles and responsibilities of a manager?What challenges does he have to cope with?




  1. Go to the library. All the answers are there.

  2. a manager is a leader so must be clear in the direction his / her team needs to follow so must be a good comunicator mentor those who are new to team keep a happy office. remove the dross keep tight controls on time keeping have an open door for ever one no favs. like a captain keep a distance but not aloof being a mate will not work.these days u have to be on top of employment laws. popa

  3. I agree with Barry. After you have done that, discuss what you have learn with your parents. They are also the managers of your family.

  4. the manager role is to get the entire group to work as a team and to guide them when they get going in the wrong direction.

    A manager need to be a mentor, teacher, and at times a counselor, and to keep from getting to involved on a personal basic with all the staff members. Tthe hardest thing a manager deals with is all the different attitudes of all the workers

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