
What are the roman numerals for...?

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some crazy lady told me it was WWW, but i know that that is redicoulous




  1. xi xi xi


  3. the number six is VI.

    So if you put six together three times, you get VIVIVI.

    If you stare at it long enough, you might see WW, but it's stretch to turn that into WWW.


  5. I thought Roman numerals were for counting in 100AD, placing on those silly clocks that chime the time in uppy homes, and for listing a full Index of my term paper by the rules of that insane English teacher I had in High School.

  6. It's DCLXVI....I'm positive

  7. Nope, it would be:


    (D for 500, C for 100, L for 50, X for 10, V for 5, I for 1.  Add together to get 666)

  8. DCLXVI.

  9. In the Latin Vulgate Bible, in Revelation 13, it uses "sescenti sexaginta s*x" or 600 60 6.  

    So the answer above by DCLXVI by tzddean is correct.

  10. DCLXVI

    I don't think the Roman numerals even have a "W".

  11. DCLXVI





    VI = 6

  12. I think that she was referring to the time of the beast and the event that will reveal his true nature. That being the 3rd world war.(That being said perhaps that "crazy lady" isn't so crazy after all, just a bit misunderstood.) I believe that the first answer is correct: "DCLXVI"

    Peace&Love be with you...~M~

  13. Roman numerals mean nothing.  The original text of Revelations was written in Greek.  The letters Chi Xi Sigma was translated as Six Hundred sixty six.  There are even some early translations saying it was 616.

    For a different and interesting take on the matter watch this video by an ex-PLO terrorist Walid Shoebat.

  14. DCLXVI

    DC = 500 + 100 = 600

    LX = 50 + 10 = 60

    VI = 5 + 1 = 6

  15. This lady was ignorant about Roman numerals and the Roman alphabet. It had no W. As several people said, 666 = DCLXVI.

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