
What are the root causes of our social problems?

by  |  earlier

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can all of you plz start listing? and what their solutions?




  1. Ignorance:because of peoples selfish belifes,racisom,selfgain,lookout for number 1 whats in it for me attitude,and fear offten stems from lack of knowledge and from fear comes hate.And ignorance is the most potent,foul,contegess dieases on this planet and it has spread like a wildfire.Along with the world ows me,self pittying,blameing attitude,to add to the fire of ignorance.

    Solution:enlightenment:Whit this the world will change dramiticly and for the best,belive me.

  2. Religion --> Abrahamic Religions -- > Christianity <--

    Solution: Banish all the fundamentalists to a deserted island.

  3. Political correctness gone mad.

    Solution?  Allow people to have the courage of their own convictions whether it offends anyone else or not.

    More specific answers?  Sounds like you want someone to do a homework assignment for you hmmmmm?

  4. Judgement.  We fear what we don't know, and we don't know what we fear, and so the ego gets in there to put right and wrong in it.  The result is separation.

  5. i reckon its because people dont follow their hearts, they just baa like sheep and do exactly as society expects them to do.  REBEL to the end, my friends....

  6. Expectations of uniformity, not accepting & appreciating others differences, many people are inherently violent & believe that others are worth less than they are, territorialism, the politics of control, the belief that ownership leads to happiness, the belief that happiness is an achievable permanent state. Solutions Hmm don't think there is one while humans live & the world keeps turning. Also think the media are largely responsible for promoting a climate of fear to sell us thier jaundiced views & c**p papers, how many more trees do we need to lose!?  If you get out there & talk to people they're largely ok & good folk.

  7. First of all - it is a DEEP ignorance of once own IDENTITY

    Second - it is a totally messed  social order of life. people have very vague idea about their own social belonging (according to their natural abilities, inclinations, skills).

    Third - the lack of clearly defined priorities in life.

    Fourth - the consistent and persistent onslaught of the all sorts of propaganda and brainwashing.

    Fifth (but not the least) - the laziness or passiveness (or stupidity?) of most of individuals to even TRY to do some homework of self-realization

    there could and most likely are many other causes .... ;)

  8. the root is fear.

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