
What are the rules and regulations for cell phones while in the military?

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I am asking about while you are in your ''MOS'' school right after boot camp...(i already know no cells allowed at boot camp)...but what is the situation if you have one can you take it while in your MOS or while your deployed somewere?? or in IRAK??????




  1. Well if you can answer in between gun shots and bombs overhead God Bless You!!

    24 hrs compared to the normal 12

  2. ive read that you need to have 24hour time in stead of regular 12 hours on a cell

  3. each school has different regs about when you can use your cellphones/have then on you( most prohibit them while in class but allow them on weekends and such).

    as for deployed:  not a good idea to bring them..  for one, they don't work over there unless you have an international SIM card and two.. EXPENSIVE as all get out.  

    Nazgul: Irak is the proper spelling when translated from the Persian/Farsi/Arabic.

  4. You may be able to have one at a mos school but make sure it is turned off so it dos not ring during formations or in class. You should restrict your cell phone use to off duty hours.

    The last I heard you may have either a cell phone or a pager but not both attached to your belt and it must be black.

  5. i dont think you're alowed any electornic devices but, your cell phone company will charge you **** load of roaming fees, over thousands of dollars if calling from iraq!

  6. You will be instructed on cel use at each base, camp and command.

    By the way you need to learn a little respect and how to spell it is Iraq not Irak


  7. 24hour time in stead of regular 12 hours on a cell

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