
What are the rules for a field hockey goalie?

by  |  earlier

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I am trying to open myself up to new positions in field hockey and i would like to try goalie. I dont know what the rules are though. Like:

-How do you hold the stick?

-What do you do in a stroke?

-Before the game starts, are you allowed in front of the line in the goal cage?

Any rules and info is really helpful :D thanks





  2. Hello, unlike the guys above who seem to think that because it's your question is under hockey they must answer it just so they can say they've answered alot of hockey questions.

    First of all, the thing oyu want to know are technquies.

    1) how to hold the stick depends on the type of gloves the old indivual finger gloves in your right hand (that would be the only hand with fingers oyu can move) and put the tip on the ground, the sticks flat side should be facing oyur body, with the newer gloves slide the stick in the opening and hold howeevers comfortable, your stick should when saving be held pu in the air and (that one you can't see the stick but oyu can see the direction it would be held in

    What to do in stroke

    Simply stand  on the line in the middle try and read the players shot (i can't tell you ohw to do this you'll learn overtime) and dive in the direction of the ball all stand if it's going for you, basically depending on your age, will depend how ot save it young children can't really do it fast enough, so oyu have time ot react but some adult do it to fast ot react so you just dive

    Ps you won't get many strokes, escpecially if oyur not playing mens if oyur not playing mens and oyur playing minkeys or under 15 under 17 and such you'll only mostly likley only get a stroke once or twice a season, if mens oyu could get quite a few.

    Before the game starts feel free ot stand anywhere in the D (semicirlce)

    So other rules, i don't know what country oyu from so i can't tell oyu what equipment oyu need, but i'm Australian our rules are senior goalies (mens) only have to wear a helmet and can take it off and play field (i've never actually seen this odne, but it's a rule), or a fulltime goaly in mens needs kickers, blocker and helmet and that's all, or a men goaly can be fully padded

    Junior (not mens/womens) have ot wear full padding, Neck gaur kickers helmet chest pad, ect

    Some basic rules, oyu can go anywhere on the field, that's right anywhere, but oyu can't use anything but oyu stick once out of the D (unless oyur a mens goaly with just a hlemet oyu just take the helmet off.

    Don't cover the ball with your body unless oyu wnat a stroke

    Some other things ot note unless oyur getting the gear supplied by the club, then it will be expensive if oyu buy oyur own kit, oyur looking at a very minimum of AU$1000

    Goalies fun, have a good time playing

  3. The main rule is as follows: Stop the ball at all costs.

    To answer the other questions:

    -Hold the stick with your hand

    -When suffering a stroke, ask someone to bring you to the hospital quickly

    -Before the game starts, you are allowed anywhere you wish.

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