
What are the rules for dating British guys? (and online)?

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Dating a British guy...? What are the customs?

Hey there.. well, I'm going to be meeting this British guy for the first time in person next week for a date (actually here in the US) - haven't honed down on what we're gonna do, but it will probably be something like coffee, walking around town and a movie. I'm kinda stoaked about it and we seem to get along well on the phone, so hope it works out.

He's been here in the U.S. for 3 years - so how do Brits date? I hear most Euro/UK guys only see one person at a time - is that still the case? Like what are the online dating customs there too? Or will he expect US. customs?




  1. Well, we british blokes are pretty similiar to american guys, but we're far more often real gentleman.

    Oh, and we are not as prude as americans, so yes, we talk about our sexuality a lot more open.

    But how the person is doesn't depend on the nationality, it depends on the character.


    Yes, english men are only s'possed to see one girl at a time and US/UK customs are the same, guys wann to get laid everywhere. :-)

  2. lol british men aint no more better we the same as american and we do see more than one women at a time everyone is different date the man the way you date an american anyways you are in america

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