
What are the rules for discussion in a trial?

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What are the rules for discussion in a trial?




  1. The truth the whole truth nothing but the truth, Unless the judge says other wise.

  2. I assume you are asking about the jury members, before the case goes to jury decision.

    Generally the audience is supposed to keep silent while the trial is in progress.  Anyone in the audience who tries to speak could get fined for contempt of court.

    The rules for juries varies by state and municipality.

    The judge will explain the rules to the jury at the beginning of the trial, and jury members may raise their hand to ask questions of clarification.

    While there is testimony going on, the jury is supposed to listen carefully, may be allowed to take notes, but they are not to talk among themselves, while the testimony is going on.

    In some courts, they may discuss the case among themselves before the case goes to their deciding.  In other courts this is prohibited.

    Jurors may take notes in some cases, while in others this is prohibited.

    The judge will cover this in the briefing to the jurors at the beginning of the trial.

  3. Depends on the court.  Each court has their own set of rules.

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