
What are the rules of football?

by  |  earlier

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I don't understand all the rules and positions of football completely, so could someone please explain ALL the positions, what that position is responsible for, and all the rules and things. Like what a first down is, and other confusing things like that.

...I'm a girl, don't give me a hard time.

I play soccer too if that helps a little with the explaining?

I know the difference between offense and defense.




  1. google it

    there are 22 people on the feild playing

    defence and offence

    11 each

    defence stops the offence

    offence trys to score

  2. you know it used to be pretty simple to explain but they've added so many rules. it's still my favorite sport though so i suggest you take a look at the link the other guy posted, it's still really fun to watch and be a part of

  3. Woman Curious About Football = Likely Communist Spy

  4. NFL rules are different from college. Canadian Football has some rule differences as well, Wider, longer field, the backfield can be in motion, etc. Best bet is to buy a rulebook at a Sporting Goods Store. They're not expensive. Of, if you don't want to go outside because it's rainy, go to wikipedia.

  5. I would've explained it, but then you said that you played soccer.

  6. This should help you:

    (Yay! Level 2 with this post!)

  7. It would basically require someone to write a small novel to answer your question. If you're really interested, I suggest going to a book store and getting Football for Dummies.

  8. Good luck.  I've been officiating the sport for 13 years and I'm still trying ton understand all of the rules at the HS and college level.  It has to be one of the more complicated rule books in the world.

    Let me try to answer some of your questions.

    Offense has two basic positions: Line and Backs/Receivers.  The Backs/Receivers are the people who handle the ball and try to move it down the field by running or passing.  The line are the players whose primary job is to keep the defense away from the Back/Receiver with the ball.  Linemen wear numbers from 50-79.

    Defense has three basic positions: Line, Linebackers, and Defensive Backs.  They all have the same job, keep the other team from moving the ball downfield.  The defensive line typically engages the offensive line and tries to get the ball carrier while the ball is still on the offensive side of the field.  Defensive Backs typically try to keep Backs/Receivers from catching a pass and are also the last line of defense.  Linebackers play a hybrid role between the two.  They are the midfielders of the team.

    To keep the game moving, the team on offense has to move the ball at least 10 yards and they have four plays (downs) to do it in.  That line is called the "Line to Gain" or "First Down Line".  If the team makes it past that line in four downs or less, they start the process over again.

    I hope that helps a little.

  9. This should help you:

  10. Two lines. Offensive line protecting qb from the defensive line trying to sack qb. Linebackers stopping the run on defense. Running back on offense running the ball or catching the ball in the flat and letting the defense cover the outside field. Tight ends can block for a number of reasons or make a quick route to catch the ball. Wide receivers are usually lined up on the left and right to run routes and beat out the cornerbacks who defend the wide receivers. There are safeties that also lurk in the backfield and can do whatever they feel depending on how they read the play.  

  11. It's a game where which ever team has more points than the other, then that team wins.

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