
What are the rules on working in australia,say for 6 months?

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What are the rules on working in australia,say for 6 months?




  1. There is a good site on the Internet that can answer all of your questions - go to

  2. As long as you are under 30 you can apply for a working holiday visa which will let you work in Oz for 12 months.  But you can only work for any one employer for up to 3 months.  If you want more detail go to the Australian immigration department website at

  3. A working holiday visa allows you to travel around Australia for 12 months and work!

    Conditions are:

    * You can not work for the same employer for more than 6 months

    * You can not engage in study or training for more than 4 months

    You also must have sufficient fund to cover your trip, about AU$5,000

    You can check out other requirements here

  4. I'm guessing you're from the UK, so if you're aged between 18 and 30, you can get a Working Holiday visa for 12 months. This allows you to work anywhere in any type of job and for up to 6 months for any one employer - it used to be 3 months, but that was recently extended to 6. If you spend a total of 3 months doing seasonal work (work for a primary producer) in designated regional areas, you can apply for a second 12 month WH visa.

    If you don't fit the WH age parameters, the only other option is for a Skilled Worker visa which has considerably stricter requirements and would not usually be available or practical for such a short time.

    For full details of all visas and conditions, go to

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