
What are the rules to the Avalon Hill boardgame called MIDWAY?

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I've looked everywhere and I just can't seem to find them! Thanks, guys!




  1. The original rules must've been messed up.  Other rules get minor tweaks, but these get a full rewrite.

  2. You will have a hard time finding the rules to Midway on the 'net but you may be able to search here:

    and find a kind soul that will send you a copy of the rules.  Several others have already done so.  Be wary of the Deer Valley Games link provided above.  The rules rewrite provided has obviously not been playtested very well and is an amateur effort.

  3. Note that Avalon Hill published two different games titled "Midway." The early one is in a gray box; the later one is in a colorful box and designated "Smithsonian Edition." Email me and I can arrange to get a photocopy of the rules to you.

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