Chinese Squiers
YN: Y = Yako (Taiwan), N = Nineties (1990s), the first number following the serial number prefix is the year.
For example
* "YN5" = made by Yako in 1995.
CY: C = China, Y = Yako (Taiwan), the serial number prefix is followed by a 2 number year.
For example
* "CY97" = made by Yako in 1997.
CY serials are usually used on Crafted in China Squiers. Some Chinese made Gretsch guitars also have a CY serial number.
Miscellaneous Chinese serials: CD, CT, CJ, NC: C = China, the first number following the serial number prefix is the year. Probably made by Yako (Taiwan).
Some Squiers that are sold only in the Chinese and Asian markets are made by Axl in China.