
What are the sacrifices you had to make after having a baby?

by Guest65098  |  earlier

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I think my husband and I spend a lot less on ourselves. We also don't go out to eat- ever and we used to go out often. We don't go to the stores together anymore because he works late and sometimes 7 days a week.




  1. Well I quit working so we went from 2 incomes to 1.  But he always made way more $ than me anyway so it hasn't affected us that much.  We go out to eat a little bit less, we certianly sleep less, but overall our life style hasn't changed much.  Although I do miss going to the movies like every weekend like we did before.

  2. Sleep.  And movies.  I never get to go to the movies anymore.  But hey, that's what Netflix is for, right?  And sleep is highly overrated.  That's what Starbucks is for, right?  You do what you have to do, because you're a parent, and that's what good parents do.

    But, as far as going out with your hubby...I have a suggestion.  We "trade kids" with another couple once a month...their daughter comes to our house on a Saturday for a few hours so they can go to a movie or out to dinner or whatever (one time they just went home and worked in the garden), then the next month our son goes to their house for a few hours so we can go out on a date.  The kids love it (they are both only children and like to have another kid to play with, and also get to play with "new" toys at the other house), we parents love it (get some time to ourselves, even if it's only one date every 2 months), we don't have to pay a babysitter or trust the kid with someone we don't really's a definite "win" for everyone.  See if you can work out a similar "kid swap" with another couple and you'll all reap the benefits!!!

  3. Everything changed.  Social life dwindled, trips to the local pub, dates (we didn't even go out for our anniversary this year, lol), not to mention the fact that no matter how bad I am feeling, my children's feelings matter more.  We are not top priority any more.  Honestly though, it is the best feeling in the world, our lives are very full.  Different - but full.

  4. Honestly, I have sacrificed good haircuts and my body.  I feel guilty going to the gym after working all day with the kids in school and pre school and I find it hard to spend a lot of money on my hair when I use to have no problems with it at all.  By the way, I am going to get a haircut finally this weekend and I did renew the gym membership.  I have to take some control and take care of myself.  I am falling apart!

  5. My husband and I have made sacrifices but we believe that a child comes into your family but not completely changes it.  We still go out on dates and we go out to eat with our little one.  Granted it may be less than we use to but I love cooking so its not a big deal.  The best advice I heard after having a child was to not forget your marriage..So many parents do this and in 18 years they have no clue who their spouse is.  Good Luck! God Bless!

  6. We definitely don't spend as much as we use to on ourselves but we still try to live life as we did before our baby, he's just added into the mix. I don't believe in sacrificing EVERYTHING you had before the baby. You don't have to stop living your life and you definitely don't need to give up everything. You just need to find a balance that works well for you. That can be finding a babysitter one night out of the month or taking your baby along with you.

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