
What are the safe places in germany?

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I am tottaly not trying to call anyone racist, and i know that n**i times are over. but you know, things happen just like they do in the U.S, and my mom and I are going to look for houses in germany because were moving there, and we weree wondering the safest places we could venture to.

i am SO sorry if this offended anyone,!

but please help!




  1. I am native german and so I will tell you something about Germany. Better to live is ( and I think many people think so) the western part of Germany. In East- Germany there are a lot more Neo n***s but I must say that in Germany aren't more Neo n***s as in other places in the world, but the concentration of them is much higher in the eastern parts. (Dresden, Leipzig and so on..) Germany is such a beautiful country exceptionally  Rhineland-Palatinate & North Rhine-Westphalia. The forest and the whole landscape with the mountains ( not really big ones...) and the Rhine is so beautiful. At the sides of the Rhine there are many romanic and wonderful castles and I'm really fascinated by this province. The whole history of it is interesting and towns like Trier and Cologne are great, too. In West- Germany are almost all parts very beautiful to live, but in the South in Bavaria the prices for houses and flats ( exspecially in Munich and vicinity) are very high. Well, at the coast of the West ( at the Northsea) are godd places, too but there is the language full of dialect. Well, the choice is yours I hope it will be great for you.=) My only tip is to avoid East-Germany but that's it.

    Edit: I want to say that the east is not horrible or so!! PLease don't think something like that! But if you are black it isn't such a safe place and tehn it would be better for you to live in the West. (and sorry to the people from East- Germany I like you really a lot, but some of you are racists and because of that I've said that.( parts of my family live there, too.))

    Nice wishes from Germany.

    And sorry for my bad english.^^

  2. EVERYWHERE in Germany it's safer than in the U.S. but in South West Germany it's safer that in North East! Stuttgart is the safest city and small towns are usually safer than larger ones!

  3. The worst neighborhood in Berlin is way safer than anyplace in the USA.

  4. I would probably say that of course there is no "safe place", anything can happen just anywhere, but I think, a good city is the size of example Wiesbaden, or Mainz, or Nuernberg, just do not move to the Eastern Part of Germany, I wouldn't go there myself if anyone gives me a million euros.

    I am from the Southwest part of Germany and consider it safe enough to live a good life, but I haven't lived there since eight years so I couldn't tell if it is still the way when I left it. In regards to houses, I would move into a townhome not into a single family home, too many break-ins as far as what I heard on the German television.

    There is one thing on Germany I think it is great, that is very different from the US, we do not have any "bad areas" in German cities. I wish it was the same way here. .... . . . . . . at least we didn't have any before 1989!!

  5. Aloha from Down Unda!

    There are no safe places in Germany!

    There are no safe places in Europe!

    There are no safe places in the Northern Hemisphere!

    There are no safe places on the Planet!

    There is only Love, Faith, Hope, Charity & the Grace of God to keep us safe!

    Best wishes~

    [Idar-Oberstein is a pretty German town near Trier & the French boader with fairly good weather !]

  6. We emigrated to Germany from the States about 8 years ago and have lived all over Germany. I have to agree with most of the other answer's in saying to avoid Berlin. Overall, anywhere in Germany is safer than the States. People here tend to know "right from wrong" better.

    Still, in saying that I found the South (we lived in between Munich and Ausburg) really beautiful and safe. the countryside is amazing. The hardest thing about living in the South was the "unspoken rules". We innocently made tonnes of cultural mistakes because no one explained to us the rules. We found people generally friendly but very reserved. I found it hard to make friends there. My son, who was born there and started kindergarten there, had alot of problems in the school because "he wasn't German". He is blond and blue eyed but he wasn't a "real" German, so he got teased and hit a couple of times.

    2 years ago we moved to Hamburg in the north. It's a major city, right on the harbor. The attitude was totally different, it was a "plus" that we were not German. My son was popular because he was different and not looked down on. It is very safe here and a really beautiful city. I found the people more open and relaxed, and I have tonnes of friends. Hamburg is very green, tonnes of parks and rivers through the city.

    I also really loved Stuttgart, even though it is in the south, the people were more open and genuinely friendly.

    Where ever you go, it's important that you learn German as soon as possible. Speaking the language opens way more doors than not. Even if you just try, they will always answer in English until your German is better than there English, but they like it if you try to assimilate to there culture.

  7. Avoid east. espeacilly Berlin !

  8. Shclo knows NADA about the East then to suggest such a horrible thing as to avoid East Germany!

    I have been going to both East and West since 1990 and I LOVE BOTH!!

    Yes they both have slightly different life styles and habits but not that different and they are getting more closer each generation that is born until finally there will not be a generation left that even Remembers the separation!!

    as far as Safe places go it would be the same rule of thumb in the USA. Cities are always a bit more dangerous than a town or village. The great thing is their public transportation so if yo live in a small town or village getting to the city is generally not an issue even if you do not have a Car. The buses and trains are awesome there. very prompt!

    So treat it as if you were looking for a place in the States you have not been too. Try to find out about the city or town you are interested in and find out what are considered good areas to stay versus not so good areas.

    I dont think you will offend anyone, every country has it's bad sections to live in. Just research the area you plan to move to before doing it, go visit it first if you can and see it with your own two eyes and take a small vacation there and see if it is what you like or not.

    There are many many safe places to live there. I lived in Weimar and in Taubach not far from Weimar. I loved both. Weimar is a small city and Taubach a small village. I liked Weimar better only because it was not too large in size and easier to get places for the bus came to Weimar from Taubach only every 45 minutes in day and 1.5 hours on weekend back then. May have changed now though I have not used that route in years.

    Good luck and enjoy!

  9. the most dangerous areas in germany are the areas with a lot of arab and turk immigrants.

    but everywhere in germany is it much safer than the us.

  10. Hamburg, Cologne, Duesseldorf, Freiburg and nice places. Just avoid East Germany .... Berlin for instance is run by communists .... and there is much violence.

    Hamburg is run by a g*y jew

    What are u looking for?

  11. don´t worry.the most places in Germany are safety.I think it´s the same like in the every City you could be attack or not.Here in my City there are some streets who are dangerous and some not.

  12. Oh my gosh, I can´t believe what my german countrymen said about east Germany... It´s not dangerous there,not more than in the rest of Germany. And the north of Germany is not really full with dialects, lol. No, it´s the opposite. The plain and clear german is spoken in Hannover (in northern Germany!!!), and the most dialects are spoken in southern Germany, especially in Bavaria.

    Like in every country in the world, the highest crime rate is in the cities. I would recommend to buy a house in the country or on the outskirts.

    But don´t worry, Germany is a very safe place. It´s even safer than the USA and safer than most of the european countries.

  13. As a native German I have to say, don't move to former east Germany. There are some fairly right-wing parties and there have been many attacks on people with a different skin colour. It's very sad, but in those areas, e.g. Dresden, Magdeburg, etc., you'll find a lot of neo n***s. (Sorry east germans, I know that most of you are nice)

    I can recommend Cologne, a very young, alternative, friendly and welcoming city, also the rest of rhineland palatinate. Maybe not bavaria. The far north is a good place as well, near the coast. Sometimes, people are a bit ill-mannered there, but they don't make differences.

    good luck. I hope you and your mom will have a great time in Germany!!!

  14. i'm offended!!! no - just kidding.

    germany is basically a safe place, but if you're not white you might not want to move to an Eastern Germany rural area.

    And there are parts of town which are "bad areas". but it's not "bad" like in US were you might have to worry about getting shot :)

    But i think it's kinda hard to tell. if you have an area/town you'd like to go you might want to inform yourself again about that area/town.

  15. I'm living more than 6 years right now in Germany (US Army) it is safe here. Don't worry. Some places in East Germany is not really safe, but I think you don't look any houses there anyway.

    I was in Frankfurt/M., Hanau, Wiesbaden, Mainz, Hamburg, Munich, Lindau, Berlin, Ulm, Dusseldorf, Koeln, Stuttgart and any problems. Enjoy your trip and welcome to Germany.

  16. there is no city in the whole what is the safest place.... everywhere can something happen.... so .. I don´t know..

    And to be honest.. I think its stupid to say... the the west and south part of Germany is the safest place to live.. heel no... I live in Leipzig ...... which is the east part....and everything is good here...if you want to be 100% sure... than maybe take a smaller city... not on the big ones... maybe something which isn´t full with 500,000 people like Leipzig... or more than this.. its up to you .. but its just safe when you feel its good... if you just think....omg what will happen today.. or tomorrow then you are maybe wrong in Germany.. sorry it maybe sounds hard.. but it dosent matter where you long as you feel comfortable everything can be good.. you just have to believe in it.. to say it like it is... I am an east Germany child...and I wouldn´t want to live in the west or south part of Germany... just because I don´t like it.. maybe you should go after the accent... cuz to be honest the the south and west part accent is terrible in my opinion and it will be hard for you to understand it...cuz they use for several things different words... so maybe look where you could also understand everything..

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