
What are the safest places in SA to live?

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What are the safest places in SA to live?




  1. If you have never lived here, dont make comments like that!

    I live in Cape Town, and have never had any problems.

  2. well nearly no place is safe these days. i know that being in north west is good an di know that going out west 90 towards castroville is good and living that way is ok but there are gangs all over the place south side isn't good and there are some places where on 90 west have housing that is nice and expensive. i would buy older home and use it to beable to afford it. but there is places on 1604 that are nice also west. hollywood park is good place to live. east is not good and west side is bad and south side is bad. north side is ok cause the gas is cheaper out here.

  3. no idea

  4. Port elizabeth and Bloemfontien are not as dangerous than Johannesburg, Pretoria, durban and cape Town. Alf is also correct.

  5. Ive never been there but Ive herd its pretty bad, next to a police station some where.

  6. Capetown yes.

    Johannesburg is not safe......

  7. I do know that Gauteng and perhaps also KZN (Pretoria, Joburg, Durban) are the crime hubs in SA. A friend of mine is in the process of trying to sell their property in order to move to the Westcoast region bordering the Northern Cape province. Their reason for moving is the crime rate and where they'd like to go the crime factor is significantly lower. The only crime there is the occasional housebreaking (something you must accept when living in Africa) and then 'coloureds' attacking one another when drunk. No hijackings, no armed robberies, no robberies where you get killed for your laptop and/or cellphone. I can give you an idea of the hijack figure for one year comparing two provinces:

    Gauteng - 8600 hijackings (10 million inhabitants)

    Northern Province - 9 hijackings (1 million inhabitants)

    If the two provinces had the same number of people it will still have a 8600 vs 9 figure.

    So if you are not dependent on a city for living, then you can find a wonderful life in SA. South Africa offers so much, but the crime lets it down!

  8. Statistically the Garden Route is the safest place to live. Also statistically Cape Town is the most dangerous City in South Africa with the highest number of violent crimes per capita. Of course they will not admit to this since Cape Town is the prime Tourist venue and they dont want to scare Tourists away but the ANC crime statistics show this to be fact.

    However, nowhere in South Africa is safe and it is more a case of "when" you will become a victim of crime as opposed to "if".

  9. You should actually rephrase the question... where is it not as dangerous to live in South Africa?  I am born in bred in Pretoria, and some of the suburbs aren't as bad as others.  Though crime is everywhere... (I woke up on Sunday and my car stood on bricks).

  10. Probably Cape Town, or somewhere in the Western Cape.  Definitly not in Gauteng, and probably not Kwa-Zulu Natal either....

  11. In the whole of South Africa there is not one provence that is safer than the other.  Each provence has its own problems with crime, drugs and violance.  The closer you are to a town in that provence the more dangerous it becomes.  Also you get your rural areas where people live in shacks.  Those are definately your most dangerous spots.

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