
What are the safest suburbs in Johannesburg, South Africa?

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There's a chance I will be relocating there, and I heard it has bad crime. What are the safest suburbs?




  1. If you check in The Star newspaper archives online for a couple of weeks ago you will find the answer. Apparently they say Orange Groove is one of the safest because it borders Norwood, where there are police & even police barracks.

  2. There are safe suburbs in Johannesburg?? that's news to me.

  3. I think that Johannesburg is currently the most dangerous in the whole of South Africa.

  4. Look, everyone is right, there is crime no matter where you live.

    But you can try your best to prevent things from happening. For example if you are a girl by yourself. stay in a gated estate or aparment. ensure that there are guards at your complex with 24hour security.

    the more affluent areas include Sandton (which in itself is mad eup of smaller suburbs), bryanston, fourways. these are in the north of Johannesburg. there are also affluent areas in the south but i am less familiar with them. The affluent areas tend to have bigger walls, electric fencing, and more security. But this does not mean you must be lulled into a false sense of security. **** things happen often, and to good people.

    my advise is to research your options well. when you hear some of them ask us again and we can give you further advise, help you to narrow it down.

    though Joburg has a lot of crime, it is an awesome city with a fantastic night life and the people are very social and welcoming.

    good luck.

  5. I think everyone in Johannesburg would like to know the answer to that one.The truth is nowhere is safe. No matter how much security you have. People are attacked in their homes,on their driveways, in the streets,in Shopping Malls and anywhere you care to mention.

  6. Oliver Tambo Airport.

    But not the whole airport, just the seat on the plane you getting off from!

  7. At the airport the  International arrival hall

  8. do everything in your power not to relocate to south africa!!!!!

  9. Johannesburg is a violent and decaying city where even police stations are attacked by armed criminals, armed cash in transit vehicles are ambushed by gunmen carrying AK47 assault rifles and where women and children are raped at a frequency unimaginable to the civilised mind, no place is safe and you could lose your life at anytime for a mere cellphone or even pocket change.

    Stay as far away as possible.

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