
What are the scientific/historical facts behind the big bang theory and divine creation?

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What are the scientific/historical facts behind the big bang theory and divine creation?




  1. well... according to some books, the Big Bang Theory started when early scientists discovered that something had exploded in the outer space.  they said it was a billion year old star and after it exploded it formed planets surrounding a big fireball just like our sun... while in the Divine Creation belief, they believe that they are made by God... one good example is the Divine Origin of Japan where they believe that two Gods named Izanagi and Izanami went down to their land and diiped a spear into the water and when they pulled it up, the droplets of water became the land of Japan!!! BOOM!  and so the first people in Japan believed that their emperors came from the families of Gods and that they are holy....

  2. There are no scientific facts behind divine creation!

    As for the big bang - that's a long story...

    First you have to understand how we measure distances to astronomical objects (stars, galaxies) which is non-trivial.

    Once you understand that we can do this (measure long distances), then we get to Hubble's Law - which is an empirical relationship between the speed at which a galaxy is moving away from us (as measured by the Doppler effect) and it's distance from us. Because (nearly) all Galaxies are moving away from us, they must have been closer in the past.

    By extrapolating back in time, we find they must have emanated from one spot - hence the origin of the big bang.

    Since then we have found much supporting evidnce (e.g. Cosmic Microwave Background) that support the details of this idea...

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