
What are the seasons like in Argentina?

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What are the seasons like in Argentina?




  1. Summer can be very hot, like 36-40 Celsius

    I hate January- It's so hot you can barely do anything. There is no air conditioning in many places. A subway in Buenos Aires feels like a sauna in summer days.

    Fall is mild, sunny (at least where I live), beautiful.

    Winter is nowhere as cold as New York winters. It's usually around 10-17 degrees Celsius. The coldest it gets is around 30 F.

    Of course there are warmer and colder areas in the country. It's a large territory.

    The seasons in Atlanta, Georgia are very similar to what we get.

  2. I have recently traveled throughout Argentina and I will tell you the seasons are as vast as the landscapes. It really depends on where you want to go. The mountains of Mendoza, trekking in Rio Gallegos, or maybe even hop over the Rio de Plata to Uruguay for premium beach from in Punta del Este. Anyone can quote forecast from the weather channel, but for Argentina, the seasons are what you make it.  just be prepared for any type of weather, and invest in a good jacket/windbreaker/poncho if you are into the adventure stuff. I recommend the new hostel in Ushuaia called Freestyle if you can swing a 36 hour bus ride from BA or a plane flight.  But to tell you the truth, you  should narrow your scope of the question for better results.  But in any case, any season in Argentina is a great season anytime with friendly people, asados, facturas, and loads of adventure up ahead.

  3. the seasons are inverted

    here is summer over there is winter vice versa

    the winter is cold (like england)

    the summer is hot

    the best months to travel is september

  4. Argentina is in the southern hemisphere. Their winter months are in May - Aug. Summer is Nov - Feb. Depending on where are in Argentina, the weather varies.

    Buenos Aires is by a huge river, the Rio del Plata. Winters are humid and cold -15C. Summers are hot 45C. Ushuaia is about 3C during summer and winter is -40C.

  5. very beautiful. in the summers here in america its winter over there. in the winter here, its summer. so if you wanted to go to argentina in christmas break or winter recess, you'll come back with a tan and a glow in your face.

  6. As it is in the southern hemisphere, the seasons are inverted as the ones in th States.

    Summer: December-March with temps going upto 43 degrees celsius. Very very hot and humid but Argentina has beautiful beaches and lakes which make the trip all worth it.

    Spring: September till December, quite nice and sunny but not so hot. The best season to travel to Argentina.

    Fall: March till June: a bit chilly at night but still bearable.

    Winter: July till September, very cold, temps dropping down to 8 degrees celsius in Buenos Aires and very, very rainny and humid. Avoid travelling to Argentina in winter time!

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