
What are the seat numbers of an aisle seat in Joe Louis Arena?

by Guest44853  |  earlier

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I have tickets for Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Finals at Joe Louis. My tickets are in section 227B Row 4, Does anyone know what the seat numbers of the aisle seats are? Is it 1? Is the last seat in the row also on an aisle and if so what number? Thanks!!!




  1. in that row im pretty sure that seat 15 is also an end... there are two aisle seats 1 and im pretty sure 15 if tht helps.. i go to a lot of games im a season ticket holder and some rows are diff but im pretty sure on the 15 answer


    ^^^^ Does that help? I don't know what you're asking exactly. It's probablt not even your fault.....for some reason I just can't read today.

    Oh! You're asking about seats? I'm not for sure........I'll look and see if I can find anything, the only thing I've manage to find is the view from your section which is...

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