
What are the secret initiation ritual of kappa kappa gamma?

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  1. Guest59352

     Their password is "sororibus est vinculum" which means "sisters in the bond" in Latin.

  2.  L&L always

  3.  GKODB! toot toot L&L

  4. See thats whats great about the information age....people want to know "secrets" and no matter how much you b***h and swear loyalty to KKG, someone will rat out your rituals. When this happens, it will be plastered and mocked all over the internet.

    Veritas Vos Liberabit b*****s

  5. I know they wear a white robe during it (thats why they are supposed to wear white underwear). I also know at some point they must search for their name on a wall full of post-its, but that may be a special chapter thing rather than a national. 

  6. Don't let anyone EVER deprive you of knowledge because they don't think you don't "deserve to know." Especially when they're a bunch of sorority girls.

  7.  1) if you are NOT an initiated sister of Kappa Kappa Gamma, you do not deserve to know anything about our initiation rituals.

    2) if you ARE a sister/were once a sister of KKG, keep your mouth shut and have some respect for your fellow sisters and oath that you took.

  8. red room and white room are part of it.

  9. a red room

  10. The KKG password is Adelphi.

  11. haha! only the initiated & lucky sisters will ever know!


  12. you are pathetic. get initiated if you want our secrets.

    a sister of KKG.

  13. wouldn't you like to know

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