
What are the series of events at a baptism?

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What are the series of events at a baptism?




  1. 1. they ask for all your money

    2. they dunk you in brainwashing water

    3. they ask for all your family's money

    4. they ask for your family to be baptized.

    Everyone knows that!

    I'm Atheist!

  2. At my church's baptism we have a little meeting beforehand to get into the spirit, and then we have the baptism. We have an Aaronic Priesthood holder baptize the person. :D

  3. Well, everyone in the sanctuary has 2 read their part 2 say in the baptism aong with the pastor! The Pastor gives u the baptismal candle and asks u 2 guide ur child in their faith, in their life, teach them the 10-commandments, and teach them the Lord's Word! The Pastor then baptizes them in the name of the Holy Trinity, and allows everyone in the sanctuary 2 welcome ur child into the Lord's family!

  4. Usually the pastor addresses the congregation and tells them the significance of baptism.

    Then he asks the recipient what brought him or her to this point.

    Then he asks them if it is their wish to be baptized.

    Followed by the person crossing their arms and preparing to bend their knees in the water.

    The pastor says something like "So-and-so, I now baptize you in the name of the Father, and the Son, And the Holy Spirit.

    Down they go, up they come, and the congregation claps.

    Usually this is followed by prayer.

  5. 1st ask what does baptism mean........and series of events? are you trying to get baptised?

  6. It varies greatly depending on what church the baptism takes place in. A Baptist baptism looks much, much different than a Catholic one which is again different from one done in a Methodist church. You'll have to give more information about the church the baptism is happening in to get an accurate answer to this question.

  7. 1. you change privately into a baptismal robe.

    2. you enter the water.

    3. the preacher makes a statement.

    4. you are baptized by complete immersion very quickly in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins.

    5. You come out of the water and generally those observing say "Amen!".

    6. You go back and get dressed in your church clothes.

    7. You come back out and join the congregation, they are patiently waiting.

    8. People generally hug you, congratulate you, etc.

    9. You take your place back in the congregation.

    10. You are asked if you'd like to testify, say anything, etc. usually.The End!

  8. usually the person preforming the ceremony will ask if you love Jesus you will make a statement then they will either dunk you in he name of Jesus the Father and Holy Spirit  if they do not dunk they will just sprinkle

    Praise God if you are he one being baptized

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