
What are the seven large commercial jetliner models that sold more than 1,000 units?

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What are the seven large commercial jetliner models that sold more than 1,000 units?




  1. airbus

    320 --1794 in operation, 1827 deliveries, 3000+orders ++second place++

    319 -- 1034 in operation, 1035 deliveries, 1592 orders


    727-- 1,832 produced at Renton, Wash. alone

    737--  3,100 orders by 1993 and newer versions such as -700, -800 and -900 are still selling high. MOST SUCCESSFUL!1st ranking! more than 5000 produced up to now

    747-- As of December 2007, 1,396 aircraft had been built, with 125 more in various configurations on order

    757-- 1,050 constructed and sold. 1030 still in use

    767-- 1011 orders, with 953 delivered

    777-- As of November 2007, 53 customers have placed orders totaling over 1,000

    DC9-- 2,400 units produced-- 3rd ranking



    DC-10 is not part of your answer:

    Production of the DC-10 ended in December 1988 with 386 deliveries

    Teal is just taking guesses.

  2. Uh "jetliner"- is that a 50s term? Or simply Boeing throwback?

    You should email: (not a flame, just search for the 757 promotion wherein this claim appears)!

    Who is responsible for this PR in the first place which is republished everywhere

    They undoubtedly include:



    included 737 as large?


    Hey to the comment below I referred to an original source who would have the "jetliner" malarky language and said that DC10 was a maybe there! So don't claim no "just"....some answers unanswered after 15 never get answered... "just" providing a way for ourpoor person to find a definitive answer!

  3. A320, A319, B-737, B-777, B-767, A-340, B-757


  4. Boeing 707, 727, 737, 747, 757

    Airbus 320

    Douglas DC-9

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