
What are the side effects of more blood than normal in human body?

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Are there any relations between feeling giddiness and more blood in human any patient




  1. liz down under is right.  

    Polycythemia is the increase of the red blood cell count, hemoglobin, and total red blood cell volume, accompanied by an increase in total blood volume. This must be distinguished from relative erythrocytosis secondary to fluid loss or decreased intake; this distinction can be made easily on a clinical basis. Polycythemia accompanies increased total blood volume, whereas relative erythrocytosis does not.

  2. NO

  3. There is no such thing as having too much blood in your

    body.  The body is not a cup that can overflow. It only makes as much as you need. How much blood your body holds depends on the size of your body so there is no 'normal' amount of blood as each person is different. There can be

    rough guesses bested on size etc but that is all. If what you

    mean is high blood pressure which doesn't have anything to

    do with the quantity of blood in your body I understand that if you have either high or low blood pressure you can feel giddy and faint or dizzy.

  4. There is a condition - PRV or polycythaemia rubra vera which is a myeloproliferative disorder where your body produces too many red blood cells.  This results in you having a haemaglobin level higher than normal.  A erythropoietin secreting renal tumour can also result in too many red cells being produced.  Being very dehydrated or being a heavy smoker can also result in an abnormally high haemaglobin level.   The result is that your blood is more viscous than normal and that makes it harder for your heart to pump it around your body.  It can also make your blood more prone to blood clots because of stasis.

    Have you actually been diagnosed with anything or are you guessing that you have 'more blood than normal'?

    You should be properly assessed by a doctor if you are feeling giddy because that could be caused by many things.

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